Hi there, thanks for visiting!

I’m Lucas Salles, a sports lover (surf and skate are my favourites) and a passionate cook (my specialities are lasagne and burgers)…mmm… love them!

I’m big fan of all kinds of design, and I have extensive experience in print design, but now I mainly focus on creation of engaging graphics in 3D and post production software. With a fresh and innovative approach and a multidisciplinary background, I art direct in a wide range of areas, such as graphics design, visual identity generation, and story creation to be told on video or animation format.

Have a look at the portfolio to see a selection of my work.  I hope you like it and get in touch if you think we can create something together.

Lucas Salles

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+1 713 598 1074



I'm foolish and I'm funny and I'm needy. Am I needy? Are you sure I'm not needy? 'Cause I feel needy sometimes. That coat costs more than your house! Look, you are playing adults…with fully formed libidos, not 2 young men playing grab-ass in the shower. You go buy a tape recorder and record yourself for a whole day. I think you'll be surprised at some of your phrasing. Friend of mine from college. He also has a boat tho not called the Seaward.

gold winner telly awardsgold winner telly awards